Sunday, August 8, 2010

Swap teasers are awesomesauce!

Look what I received in the mail from my villainous awesome swap angel for the Dr. Horrible swap (for those of you who don't know, an angel swoops in and selflessly puts together a package for you when your original partner is a no show). I got the coolest finger puppets in the world!

dr. h 003

Pretty bitchin', no? I especially love Dr. Horrible's goggles and the hammer on Captain Hammer's shirt. Also that he has his arm flexed and ready to give Dr. H. a knuckle sandwich.


choperena said...

Those are absolutely adorable! I finished angeling one on friday, and now I need to figure out how to send everything to Australia without it being destroyed by customs...

heathen13 said...

Aren't they great? I totally hit the angel jackpot!

Lindsay said...

OMGSH! now i can comment cause you know who I am! phew... it's so hard to keep such a big secret to my self!!!

so glad you like them... they almost didn't make it as i was having too much fun putting on my own little fight scenes - haha

but glad they are in a horribly loving home!!!

heathen13 said...

I cannot even begin to tell you how much I LOVE the package you put together for me, Lindsay! Me & the fingerpuppets will have a little party tonight in your honor...we declare it national "Lindsay is Eviliscious" day & will soon erect a very fancy statue in your honor, with little guards in funny hats to make sure no one tries to graffiti it and & everything.